8 serie issues

FIXED in 8.007: crash RSLight2021_ontwikkel_2

GeoDMS version: 8.006

configuration: %RegressionTestsSourceDataDir%\prj_snapshots\RSLight2021_ontwikkel_2\Runs\PrepareData.dms

a.k.a. D:\SourceData\RegressionTests\prj_snapshots\RSLight2021_ontwikkel_2\Runs\PrepareData.dms openklappen item: MaakOntkoppeldeBronData resulted in crash daarna: /MaakOntkoppeldeBronData/Generate_Run0 openenen

openklappen item: MaakOntkoppeldeBronData results in crash

MT settings 0 & 2 enabled, 1 & 3 disabled

NAD, BREAKING CHANGE: select_orgrel and arrow operator

GeoDMS version: 8.006

Part of the unit test

PARTALLY FIXED in 8.008: writing indirect data targets

GeoDMS version: 8.006

Part of the unit test, but indirect targets now cause longer calculation times and larger memory usage, compare performance of 8.008 with 8.007

value info

FIXED in 8.007: crash in value info

GeoDMS version: 8.006

configuration: %RegressionTestsSourceDataDir%\prj_snapshots\lus_demo_2022\cfg\demo.dms a.k.a D:\SourceData\RegressionTests\prj_snapshots\lus_demo_2022\cfg\demo.dms

request item : t611_lus_demo_2022_results_test/A1_GE_Discr_calculated in Map View

Double Click on any cell to get value info

Double Click in Detail Page Value Info on value below LUClasses

Double Click Again in Detail Page Value Info on value below LUClasses

MT settings 0 & 2 enabled, 1 & 3 disabled

value info for union_unit results

descr: explain value did show the source item and source row number. reproduction: xxx,

FIXED in 8.015: application hangs

configuration: %TstDir%\Regression\cfg\stam.dms a.k.a. C:\dev\tst\Regression\cfg\stam.dms

request item: /BAG_MakeSnapshot/snapshot_20170701/vbo/src/polygon/vbo_id in table

MT settings 0 & 2 enabled, 1 & 3 disabled

FIXED in 8.011: reading fss with TiledUnit results in ReadSequence Error: stream size 1310720 conflicts with internal size 1048576

configuration: %RSLight_2021Path%\Runs\PrepareData.dms request item: /PrivData/VU/RegionalAvgCharacteristics/vrijstaand_size in table

FIXED in 8.011: Request value info results in error Access violation in ‘Shv.dll’.

configuration: D:\SourceData\RegressionTests\prj_snapshots\lus_demo_2022\cfg\demo.dms request item: /Simulations/A1_GE/CaseData/Compacted/SuitabilityMaps/residential in Map view and click on a cell

FIXED in 8.010: selection in table results in error: DataArrayBase Error: Index 1 out of array-range (array.size

0 ) =

configuration: D:\SourceData\RegressionTests\prj_snapshots\lus_demo_2022\cfg\demo.dms request item: /Simulations/A1_GE/CaseData/Compacted/SuitabilityMaps/residential in table view, select first cell with selection tool, scroll in table, error occurs

FIXED in RSL 3 config, count over vbo_rel gives domain unification error

Fout treedt op bij 8.015 maar niet bij 7.412

Note that: values unit of index arg of lookup is: “/SourceData/Vastgoed/BAG/PerJaar/Y2022/Panden/pand” and domain of value-array is “/BaseData/Verdeling_VSSH/panden_ParticuliereHuurKoop” arg1A = “/nr_ORgEntity”

FIXED in 8.011: pcount error in last tile

configuration: %TstDir%\Regression\cfg\stam.dms a.k.a. C:\dev\tst\Regression\cfg\stam.dms request item: BAG_MakeSnapshot/snapshot_20170701/pand/Results/unique/vbo_count in tableview, look at values for id >= 10.485.760

NAD: Point_in_polygon results differ from 7 series when polygon array contains overlap and is segmented differently

Cause: a spatial index is made per segment and different segmentation may result in a different order of considering intersection. As this order is now unspecified, it is unspecified which polygon is found when a point is inside multiple polygons. Unspecified behaviour is only guaranteed to be reproducible within the same version of the GeoDms, and in casu with the same segmentation of polygons.

Possible adaptations:

  • check that polygons don’t overlap
  • use overlay_polygon on little triangles of the points or (NYI) point_x_polygon
  • (done) Polygon index is now made for all polygons, not tile-by-tile
  • (NYI) new functions:
    • point_in_polygons variant that delivers cross-table,
    • point_in_unique_polygon that returns data failure when multiple polygons are found,
    • point_in_polygon_or_null
    • count_in_polygon

FIXED in 8.014, Group By in table results in Error: DisplayValue called prematurely

configuration: %TstDir%\Regression\cfg\stam.dms a.k.a. C:\dev\tst\Regression\cfg\stam.dms

request item : /brondata/bodemgebruik/Hoofdgroep in table, select column, click Group By tool, error occurs

FIXED in 8.015: Error in 8.014, Check Failed Error: sm || this->IsPassor()

configuration: %prj_snapshotsDir%\lus_demo_2022\cfg\demo.dms a.k.a. D:\SourceData\RegressionTests\prj_snapshots\lus_demo_2022\cfg\demo.dms

select item : Geography/rdc_base, Open Detail Pages, Properties, error is shown

FIXED in 8.024, Error in 8.015, WMTS layer is not shown

configuration: %prj_snapshotsDir%\lus_demo_2022\cfg\demo.dms a.k.a. D:\SourceData\RegressionTests\prj_snapshots\lus_demo_2022\cfg\demo.dms

select item : Current_Situation/Current_landuse in MapView, no WMTS layer is presented

FIXED in 8.024, Point_In_Polygon crash in 8.019

configuration: %TstDir%\Regression\cfg\stam.dms a.k.a. C:\dev\tst\Regression\cfg\stam.dms

request item : /BAG_MakeSnapshot/snapshot_20170701/vbo/results/unique/pand_rel in table, application crashes

FIXED in 8.027, Error in 8.024, Map View & Layer control not updated after changing colors

configuration: %TstDir%\Operator\cfg\microtst.dms a.k.a. C:\dev\tst\operator\cfg\microtst.dms

select item : BackGroundLayer/district/hoek in Map View, edit the color for the first class. Map View and Legend are not updated. Panning does not update the colors in the map, zooming does. For the Layer control the palette need to be hided and shown to update the color

FIXED in 8.026, Error in 8.024, Changing the Classification in Map View

configuration: %TstDir%\Operator\cfg\microtst.dms a.k.a. C:\dev\tst\operator\cfg\microtst.dms

select item : BackGroundLayer/district/hoek in Map View, activate the edit palette option, change the #Classes to 3 and choose equal counts, error: ValidateCount (3) failed becasue this unit has count 7. After clicking OK, the Map view is updated, but the count column is empty.

FIXED in 8.027, Error in 8.024, Table View not updated after selecting items

configuration: %TstDir%\Operator\cfg\microtst.dms a.k.a. C:\dev\tst\operator\cfg\microtst.dms

select item : BackGroundLayer/district/hoek in TableView, select an entry with the select objects tool, table is not updated (blue color is not shown). After activating another cell, table is updated

FIXED in 8.027, Error in 8.024, Table View ony one selection action possible

configuration: %TstDir%\Operator\cfg\microtst.dms a.k.a. C:\dev\tst\operator\cfg\microtst.dms

select item : BackGroundLayer/district/hoek in TableView, select first one item and then select all, even after activating another cell table is not updated. After the table is requested again, application crashes.