
logical-functions iif ( ? : )


  • iif(condition, then, else)
  • condition ? then : else


iif(condition, then, else) or condition ? then : else results in a data-item with the result of the subexpression then if the condition is true and of else if the condition is false.


The iif function results in a data item with the same domain-unit and values-unit as the subexpressions then and else.

iif statements can be nested, but it is advised to use the switchcase function for nested statements.

In the evaluation of an iif function, both then and else subexpressions are calculated. Use an indirect-expression if the calculation of one of both subexpressions is time consuming or illogical.

applies to

  • condition data item with bool value-type
  • subexpressions then and else


  1. The domain unit of condition, subexpressions then and else and the resulting data item must match or be void (literals or parameters can be combined with data items of any domain).
  2. The values unit of subexpressions then and else and the resulting data item must match.


1. attribute<float32> iifAgteB (ADomain) := iif(A >= B, 1f, 0f);
2. attribute<float32> iifAgteB (ADomain) := A >= B ? 1f : 0f;
A(float32) B(float32) iifAgteB
0 2 0
1 2 0
2 2 1
3 2 1
null 2 0

ADomain, nr of rows = 5

see also