
rescale-functions interpolate_linear


  • interpolate_linear(new, org, a)


interpolate_linear(new, org, a) interpolates the values of attribute a towards the domain-unit of attribute new.

Attribute org contains a reference to values (often timestamps) for which attribute a is known.

Attribute new contains values in the same range as the org attribute. The attribute a will be interpolated towards these new values.

The resulting attribute has the same values-unit as attribute a and the same domain-unit as attribute new.

applies to

attributes new, org and a with Numeric value-type


The domain units of attribute org and a must match.

since version



attribute<float32> Quantity (Output) := interpolate_linear(Output/Yr, Decades/TimeStamp, Decades/Quantity);
Output/Yr Quantity
2000 15763
2001 15573.6
2002 15384.2
2003 15194.8
2004 15005.3
2005 14815.9
2006 14626.5
2007 14437.1
2008 14247.7
2009 14058.3
2010 13868.9

domain Output, nr of rows = 11

Decades/TimeStamp Decades/Quantity
2000 15763
2010 13868.9

domain Decades, nr of rows = 2