Map View Layers

user-guide-geodms-gui - map view layers


A map view consists of one or multiple layers, with coordinates expressed in the same coordinate system.

In the GeoDMS a distinction can be made in the following layer types:

geodms data layers

Layers use to present data related to a geographic domain. Such a domain can be visualised in a map view with grid cells (for grid domains), polygons, arcs or points (for one-dimensional domains) as in the following example:

examples of data layers with grid, polygons, arcs and points data

In these layers, the grid cell, polygons, arcs and/or points are visualized with one or multiple visualization styles (colors, symbols, size etc.). The possible styles are dependent on the layer type.

The following data layers can be distinguished:

geographic layers

Feature attributes of one dimensional domains can be directly drawn in a mapview, with a default or preconfigured visualisation-style.

thematic layers

Thematic layers present a theme, usually a numeric data item, in a map. For numeric data, an distinction need to be made in numerical and categorical data. Categorical data can often be directly visualised, with a visualisation-style for each category/class (default or preconfigured). Numerical data need to be classified first in a limited set of classes. Such a classification, and it’s visualisation styles, can also be a a preconfigured or a default classification scheme.

More information on how to configure a classification scheme van be found in the classification section.

The GUI also contains a classification-and-palette-editor to edit class breaks and color visualisation styles.

label layers

string data items, with as feature type point or polygon, are by default visualised as label layer, see example

examples of label data layers for polygon and point data

Also numeric values for these feature types can visualized as label layer, from the legend menu on the numeric layer, option Select Sublayer > Label > Visible.

For arc and grid layers, label layers are not (yet) implemented. String data items of an arc layer are presented as geographic layer.

background layers

A background-layer is visualized automatically when a view for the coordinate system for which this layer is configured is created. The background layer is used as a reference and is usually a WMTS layer.

active layer

Each map view has one active layer, shown in the title of the map view. The active layer is the layer on which the layer-specific (toolbar) functions are executed. A layer can be activated from the legend. In this legend the active layer is indicated by a blue background color in the title as in the figure.

The user can switch between active layers by clicking on the layer title. By default, the last layer added to the map view becomes the active layer.